Online Therapy

Why online therapy might be right for you

1) The ease of meeting

  • You want the support of counseling…but you’re not looking forward to that drive across town, the traffic, and the parking

  • You only have so much free time in your day, and you’d rather not spend it in a commute to your therapist’s office

2)No risk of Covid

  • No risk of COVID.

Online therapy has become an opportunity to receive the benefits of therapy with the convenience of meeting from home, or another convenient location.

While many people may wish to meet in person, online therapy offers some real benefits:

  • Ease of meeting. No driving, no traffic, no parking. Just sign on from your device.

  • No risk of COVID. If you or your loved ones are in higher-risk populations, you can meet without worry.

  • Meet from various places. Spending time in the mountains? Going out of town? So long as you are in Colorado or California, we can meet from anywhere, no problem.

  • No masks. Doing therapy in-person with masks is possible, but given that facial expressions are incredibly important part of emotional expression, online therapy lets us see the full range of emotion.

Pre-COVID, online therapy was more rare, but the past two years have shown that online therapy can work as well as meeting in person.

How does online therapy work?

When you sign up to work with me, you join an online HIPAA-compliant platform, which allows us to meet via the click of a button. You receive an email 24-hours before we meet, and simply click that button to sign on when it's time for our session.

Are there any factors I need to be aware of?

It's important to be in a private place where you have privacy, so that others won't overhear you or interrupt the session.

What happens if the video freezes?

Most sessions, there is no interruption if you are meeting from a location with decent Wi-Fi or cellphone service. Interruptions happen infrequently, and when they do, they're usually for just a few seconds. Occasionally, the picture may momentarily freeze, or one of us will need to reboot the page. In over two years, and thousands of hours of sessions, no session of mine has gone uncompleted due to technology issues.